Colon Cancer

The body is made up of many types of cells that normally grow, divide, and produce more cells as needed through the years to keep the body healthy and functioning properly. However, sometimes the process goes wrong in any given moment, when cells become abnormal and form more cells in an uncontrolled way that form a mass of tissue, called a growth or tumor.

Tumors can be benign, which means not cancerous, or malignant, which means the presence of cancer in the body; colon is not an exception to develop this condition. Cancer of the colon or rectum is also called colorectal cancer that occurs when tumors form in the lining of the large intestine, also called the large bowel which is part of the digestive system.

Also renowned celebrities such as Mae West, John Lennon, Damon Wayans, Janet Jackson, James Coburn, and so many other celebrities have used enemas cleansing methods and even declared how these therapies helped them. Since Dr. Robert Charm stated back in 1999 that colon hydrotherapy is a more aesthetic body clean-out than a bowel movement, many celebrities were interested to see why he said that a bowel movement is not a thing of beauty, but a colonic can be.

Cancer cells may break away from the malignant tumor and enter the bloodstream or the lymphatic system, which transports white blood cells that fight infection, and from where the cells travel to other organs in the body spreading from its original location in the colon to another part of the body such as the liver. When this condition occurs it is called metastatic colorectal cancer and not liver cancer.

If colorectal cancer spreads, it usually tends to spread to the liver or lungs, however, today it is easier to treat colorectal cancer but, as with almost all cancers, the earlier the detection the more likely that the treatment will be successful. When colon cancer is detected in its early stages, it is up to 90 percent are curable.

It is not known exactly what causes colorectal cancer, but some risk factors for the disease have been identified. Risk factor means anything that increases the chances of getting a disease. Studies have demonstrated that factors including age, diet, personal history, polyps, family history, and ulcerative colitis increase individual’s chances of developing colorectal cancer

Colon cancer is more likely to occur as people are getting older and is more common in women than in men over the age of 50, but younger people can get it, too. Only in very few rare cases, it can occur in adolescence. Although, most cancers in their early stages do not show any symptoms. This is the reason why it is important to have regular tests and screenings to check for cancer even when you might not notice anything change, sign or symptom.

When colon cancer first develops, there may be no symptoms at all but changes as the cancer grows that people should watch for such as constant tiredness, a change in bowel habits, narrower than normal stools, blood in the stool, diarrhea or constipation, gas, bloating, fullness, cramps, vomiting, unexplained anemia or weight loss, feeling that the bowel does not empty completely accompanied by abdominal discomfort.

If you experience any of these symptoms for more than a few days contact your physician to determine the cause and insist on getting a colonoscopy if you suspect these symptoms might indicate colorectal cancer. Do not wait to feel pain because early cancer usually does not cause any pain.

Unfortunately, cancer can be well advanced before they are detected so the most effective prevention of colon cancer is early detection and removal of precancerous colon polyps before they turn malignant. Diagnosis of colon cancer can be made either by barium enema or by colonoscopy with biopsy confirmation of cancer tissue.

Colonoscopy is a procedure whereby a physician inserts a long, flexible viewing tube into the rectum for the purpose of inspecting the inside of the entire colon and generally considered more accurate diagnose technique than barium enema x-rays in detecting small polyps. Treatment of colorectal cancer depends on the size, location and extent of cancer spread, as well as the age, clinical history and general health of the patient, although surgery is the most common treatment for this disease.