Tips For A health Colon Through Diet

The average American adult consumes only 10 to 12 grams of fiber each day when the proper intake of dietary fiber should be 25 to 30 grams per day for optimal bowel and colon function. The estimated ratio is based on the fact that most Americans consume a diet high in animal and processed foods that contain little or no fiber. These unhealthy diets not only promote bowel irregularity, but they also increase the risk of breast and colon cancer.

On the other hand, low fiber diets have caused Americans to become big consumers worldwide of laxative and stool softening agents that would not be needed if people simply added more fiber to their diets that also helps to reduce cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Dietary fiber is the indigestible portion of plant foods and an important nutrient for health. Most vegetables and fresh fruits are excellent sources of fiber as are cereals, pastas, brown rice, whole grain breads, and beans.

Most Americans not only consume less fiber but also skip meals when the dietary advice recommends Eat three meals regularly and at the same place, eating at the same time as often as possible. It is also important to chew food completely and reduce raw salads, beans and colas, which create excess flatulence.

Avoidance of raw meats and eating warm, cooked, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, mung beans and soups improves the bowel function since these foods are warming and easily digestible. Drink plenty of water to avoid complications. The rule states, "drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day”.

Enemas and colon hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation) may be administered to promote colon regularity, weight loss, improved digestion, increased energy, and improve many other bowel functions. Also a natural de-intoxication is advisable. You may try this:

Mix a little essential oil, such as oil of cinnamon or cloves, with a good quality flax seed oil or any other edible oil. Then, use 10 drops of essential oil to an ounce of edible oil being careful not to use more than this amount and ensuring the use of an extremely pure essential oil, not those that sell in aromatherapy stores for incense making.

Use a bottle with an eye dropper and shake the bottle vigorously before use. Take just a few drops of this mixture once or twice a day. If you do not like the taste, you can put the oil into capsules, but you will probably find that you have to swallow the capsules immediately since the essential oils will tend to dissolve the capsules. At this level of use, the oils are gently purifying and mildly stimulating to peristalsis but remember do not exceed the recommended amount.

A balanced diet accompanied by regularity in sleeping and daily activities will bring a new wellness dimension to your life. Take a warm bath, stay warm and get plenty of rest and exercise daily-walking or swimming to promote bowel activity. If possible use an enema at least once a week. Apply cleansing techniques such as a retention enema with sesame oil and ghee clarified butter. The colon is considered as a seat of "Vata" energy in Ayurvedic medicine, so a warming enema helps to relieve excess of "Vata".

Other Ayurvedic remedies consist in balancing tastes for the "Vata", which constitution are sweet, sour and salt. This way, the uses of Ayurvedic remedies that balance "Vata" are advisable, especially those containing herbs with these tastes. Every morning drink Triphala tea and/or hot water with freshly squeezed lemon and a little honey and salt to stimulate the colon and relieve constipation.

Exercise, practice relaxation or start a yoga therapy, as an example, practice head-to-knee pose, cobra and plough to relieve excess of "Vata". After following any of the above recommendations along with herbal supplements just for one week, the constipation improves eliminating the risk caused by over-the-counter laxatives which carry out side effects such as, bowel dependency, cramping, diarrhea, and hypokalemia.