Enema Procedures

If your physician has scheduled you for a colonic treatment or you on your own have decided to take a colon hydrotherapy you may be wishing to find out how to prepare for your procedure. In medical procedure, the large bowel is examined by administering barium and sometimes air through a rectal tube to coat the lining of the bowel, as a way to make it visible to the x-ray beam.

As a personal experience not involving medical conditions, if the person receiving the enema has never experienced one you need to explain what the first step is which is to explain to him/her what an enema is, and what will happen during the procedure so that they can have a comfortable experience because an enema can be rather embarrassing for some individuals.

For people that have never had an colon cleansing, saline enemas and a non soap suds enema are the best and easier for them to take and starting with what position the person wants to be in to receive the enema. The procedure for the person getting the enema, step by step, is as follows:

  • The receiver picks a comfortable position to be relaxed, ensuring the enema administrator has clear access to the anus.
  • Use of Vaseline, jelly or any other oily substance is required to lubricate the anus for easy nozzle insertion. The administrator will massage lubricant inside the anus and rectum improving the relaxation when the nozzle or rectal tube is inserted.
  • To allow the anus to admit the insertion it is suggested to ask the receiver to take a couple of deep breaths as it passes the sphincter, and/or try massaging your abdomen.
  • Relaxation while the administrator turns on the flow by mentally picturing the reception of the enema. Good administrators will stop or slow the flow if the person experiences any cramping, especially during the first exam as a result of panic to the treatment.
  • If the person feels the need to evacuate, he/she must ask the administrator to stop the flow. Once again relaxation is essential during the whole procedure, and the desire should pass shortly as the colon relaxes and the enema flows deeper into the intestine.
  • It is usual to feel the stomach expanding somewhat and the person must let it, holding the enema for a few minutes. The enema achieves its purpose within 5 to 10 minutes after insertion. At the end, when it is time to evacuate, the persons must proceed to the toilet and release, but with the tube still in place or removing the nozzle from the anus until he/she is in position to evacuate before removing the nozzle.

After evacuation, the person must take a deep breath and feel the lightness and euphoria that commonly follows a good enema.

For the Administrator, who is the person giving the enema; the procedure can be resumed in these simple steps:

  • Lubricate the recipient’s anal area
  • Suspend the enema bag about 1 foot to 18 inches above the anus.
  • Open the clamp and allow air to escape the tubing before inserting nozzle into the anus.
  • Insert the nozzle or rectal tube learning from the experience of your finger.
  • Open the clamp slowly. An enema takes up to 15 minutes to be administered.
  • Watch the recipient for signs of cramping and if so, slow or stop the flow until the recipient can relax.
  • Massage the recipient’s abdomen to encourage the solution to go further into the colon.
  • Stop the flow and encourage the recipient to retain the enema as long as possible when he/she feels the need to evacuate